Synopsis: Poor White Shadow finds herself in a precarious position yet again. At the hands of Domino, a calculating villainess looking to exploit White Shadow’s sexual perversion, the internet has the chance to view White Shadow tortured, covered in acid, and forced to climax with an acid covered vibrator. White Shadow is forced to confront her tarnished reputation as she is revealed to the world as nothing more than a whore in a skimpy costume, “overcum” by unwanted sexual stimulation and incapable of wearing the moniker, “heroine”.
Superheroine, Marvel Porn, DC Universal, Comics Porn
Heroine Movies TheRyeFilms – Coco and Saharra Huxly – Trial by Combat Part 2 FullHD 1080p
Wonderous Woman is arrested for crimes she has no knowledge of by the Genovian government. She refuses to admit her guilt during a torture session with the Genovian Inquisitor Galactica and is forced to fight for her freedom against a cybernetic Genovian soldier. Wonderous Woman gives him all she has but Genovian technology proves to be too much for the young Amazon as she fails to defeat her opponent. Galactica sentences Wonderous Woman to death and carries out the punishment herself but not before sexually humiliating the young amazon!
Heroine Movies TheRyeFilms – Coco and Saharra Huxly – Trial by Combat Part 1 FullHD 1080p
Wonderous Woman is arrested for crimes she has no knowledge of by the Genovian government. She refuses to admit her guilt during a torture session with the Genovian Inquisitor Galactica and is forced to fight for her freedom against a cybernetic Genovian soldier. Wonderous Woman gives him all she has but Genovian technology proves to be too much for the young Amazon as she fails to defeat her opponent. Galactica sentences Wonderous Woman to death and carries out the punishment herself but not before sexually humiliating the young amazon!
Tropic City Heroines – Supergirl And The Greek Gods HD 720p
Supergirl has tracked down the current troublemakers on earth….The Greek Gods. Aphrodite and Ares are attempting to put together the Teseract to control the planet. WTF is going on, Supergirl wants to know. A battle quickly ensues. Supergirl has the upper hand, but the sneaky Aprodite leaves the bottle for a bottle of perfume. She loses it in the fight upon her return, but Ares manages to spray Supergirl with it, subduing her.
XXXtremeComiXXX – League Of Good when Red Hammer FullHD 1080p
Batwoman is working late at the League Of Good when Red Hammer, an android designed by T.O. Night to destroy the league, comes in and quickly overpowers Batwoman and takes her to his lair. Tied to the cross, Red Hammer exposes himself as a man in a power suit and tickles batwoman and then attaches a bomb collar to her neck and has her suck his cock, then he fucks her
Heroine Movies The Battle For Earth – Keisha Gray, Blaine Jeffries – Crystallin FullHD 1080p
It’d been years since Crystallin’s last battle. She’d been hiding out on earth after hanging up her power suit shortly after her last encounter with Mentalex.
Nylon Extreme – Catwoman Zentai prisoner of Nylon FullHD 1080p
Catwoman in zentai lycra are prisoner of nylon cocoon, she make blow job with nylon , she put of the cocoon for suck and be fucked hard , she love that until i cum on her mouth chest face
Parody Porn Sia_Siberia – Daphne & Velma fuck with Scooby Doo dildo 4k 2160p
Velma and Daphne, as always, fondled, made cunnilingus for each other and decided to call Scooby Doo and frolic with his dick! Velma took the doggy cock and put it in Daphne’s little pussy, began to fuck her and lick until she got the creampie! Then Velma tucked the doggy cock into Daphne’s tight ass and began to fuck her in various poses and caress her tongue and fingers! In the end, Daphne standing in doggy pose received a second creampie and Velma gladly licked it!
BuniBun – Victoria Seras Gets Fucked Bad Dragon FullHD 1080p
Cosplaying Victoria Seras from the anime Hellsing, I dont act like her character from the anime really*** The riding views in preview where im facing the camera is more grinding with the dildo all the way in me rather then hard riding and they are shorter then the ass view riding views, I ride the dildo hard in the ass views though and for longer***
Secret Heroine Films – Pamela Vorhees – Public Humiliation FullHD 1080p
Super Girl has always been a champion for the people. In the public’s eye, she can do no wrong! But someone sinister wants to change that!