He feels foolish dressed like a pirate, but he was asked to chaperon his 18 year old stepdaughter’s halloween party. He didn’t understand WHY a bunch of college girls would need a chaperon, but he didn’t like the idea of his stepdaughter, Harmony, being at some frat house. Dani Jensen seems VERY grateful that he’s there. “So are you in the sorority?” “No” she laughs, “I’m the leader of our…book club”
Dani and her coven of witches make their pledges to each other as they begin the spell. A spell that will make them young and beautiful forever. A spell that will give them power over men. A spell to bend them to their will.
“So where are the other guests” Harmony’s stepdad asks trying to change the subject. “Oh don’t worry about them, you’re our guest of honor tonight” Dani says as moves in closer, touching his leg and leaning in to kiss him. He feebly holds up his ring finger, but Dani just kisses it. “I bet she doesn’t dress like this, does she?” Even if she did, his wife looks nothing like Dani, she’s something he’s only ever fantasized about.
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