In 1984, famed Heroine “VENTURE” went missing without a trace. Rumors of an underground villan broadcast of her final moments circulated through the crime fighter community.
No evidence was ever found until the accidental discovery of a handfull of VHS records in the abandoned lair of MADAM OBLIVION. These are those tapes. Introducing the very first Custom video from Lucia Films! Script outline by EndofAllThings, this brutal psychological ride reveals the final struggles of storied heroine VENTURE. This retro style film is heavy on the grit and suspense. Narrated by the heartless MADAM OBLIVION, we learn that our heroine fell into her clutches as a last ditch bid by the forces of Nocturn City to rid themselves of the constant meddler. What follows is an increasingly intense series of intermissions between henious acts where our star (Coco) shows more and more wear and tear from her villainous captors. Pumped full of experimental horomones to increase her libido to intolorable levels, she fights off the physical torments of the villains as well as the increasingly overwhelming and unwelcome pleasure to her very messy, humiliating end. Not for the fainthearted!
Size:645 Mb
sup – 0955 Venture No More.mp4