Synopsis: Poor White Shadow finds herself in a precarious position yet again. At the hands of Domino, a calculating villainess looking to exploit White Shadow’s sexual perversion, the internet has the chance to view White Shadow tortured, covered in acid, and forced to climax with an acid covered vibrator. White Shadow is forced to confront her tarnished reputation as she is revealed to the world as nothing more than a whore in a skimpy costume, “overcum” by unwanted sexual stimulation and incapable of wearing the moniker, “heroine”.
Contains: 1 on 1 male/female combat, face punches, belly punches, back-hands, slaps, bondage, use of acid to enhance pain and pleasure, closeups and body pans, electric torture leading to bladder release, full nudity, actual penetration with vibrator, forced climax with squirting, live stream through entire film
Size:1,45 Gb