Contains: 1 on 1 Male/Female Combat, Face, Body, And Belly Punching, Kicks, Low Blows, Front and Back Bear Hug, Crawling, Groping, Topless Nudity, Forced O from Fucking 2 Positions, Heroine Death By Neck Snap
The government has unearthed an ancient relic that may originate from the same time and location of Solaria’s home world. Excited to begin her own research, Solaria arrives at the warehouse and greets the doctor in charge. Without warning, the doctor disappears and is replaced by an alien being who calls himself Anhialis. He claims his people were once great warriors and fought Solaria’s people as bitter enemies. He also claims this relic is what his people used to depower and hold their enemies captive. He explains his people were born and bred to humiliate, torture, and kill Solaria’s people, and since the relic has called him to this planet, he must complete his mission of humiliating and ultimately killing Solaria. Solaria isn’t necessarily phased, but she does grow more concerned as this being seems extremely powerful. Find out what happens to her!
Size:1,33 Gb
sup – 2164 Solaria The Relic.mp4