Synopsis: Swan has been tracking a known crime boss, Frankie Falcone, and has become a real headache for Frankie’s distribution network, interrupting several recent deliveries and confiscating his product.
He’s had enough and contacts the heaviest artillery he can think of, a hitman named Proxies. Because of his perfect record on jobs, he’s become known as The Finisher. Proxies takes his time surveilling his marks, and once he’s accumulated enough information, only then does he take care of business. Swan is special though. Her strength, cocky attitude, and resilience have intrigued him. he still plans on finishing the job, but what if he could somehow break her and convince her to operate by his side. As planned, he lets her track him down and the fun begins. Swan holds but Proxies is simply stronger, better trained, and more equipped. Swan has two choices. She can give in to his offer and go through his “boot camp”, or she can resist and risk death. A heroine never gives in…
Contains: Male/female combat, face punches, belly punching, kicks, knees, low blows, crawling, bearhug, wall slams, back breaker, overhead press, lifts, groping, topless, forced fucking, forced orgasm, death by double neck snap, closeups, body pans
Size:1,02 Gb