Ms Vivian Leigh – Season of the Witch 4k 2160p

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In my many years of making femdom content, training submissives and ruling over slaves, I have been told over and over that men were scared to approach me because I am very intimidating. Equally, after they mustered the courage, I have been told that they were surprised how nurturing and connected I am. My slaves who have served me for extended periods of time have, in essence, received therapy… mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. When my slaves want to tell me about themselves, their needs, strengths and weaknesses, I inform them they need not waste their breath, because I already know them. Better than they know themselves. “How can this be, mistress?” Because I am a witch. A true, practicing Laveyan Satanist, and a solitary witch by birth- I have practiced the dark arts for nearly twenty years. I have a strange and mobid comfort with my own mortality; perhaps because my mortality is less than that of the common man. There is no greater gift than that of your eternal soul. It fuels my fire, it strengthens my powers, and with your gift, I ease your mortal suffering. A great agreement, is it not? All you need to do is repeat after me, “I give you my soul.” These words are music to my ears. Of course when your mortal life comes to an end, there will be a price to pay and you will suffer this for me. An eternity of hellfire next to me is a better end than boing existence next to your hypocrite fellow man. You will walk in beauty, you will bathe in sin, you will serve at my feet. Forever. I am the answer, and I am the way. THIS is the season of the witch.

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dem – 0541 Season of the Witch.mp4

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