Heroine Movies Coco, Ophelia, Marky Marx – Fire Fight Full Version 1080p

Heroine Movies Coco

Heroine Movies Coco

Heroine Movies Coco

Heroine Movies Coco

Synopsis: Starfire hears a victim in trouble and races to the scene. She quickly dispatches of the “perp” only to receive a dosage of electricity courtesy of her home world. She wakes to find herself face to face with Bane while a “victim” appears to be locked in a cage. She manipulates Bane to let her down for a “fair fight” and he takes the bait. She quickly disables him, and redirects her attention to rescuing the victim. After another dosage of electricity from the cage, the “victim” reveals herself as none other than Starfire’s sister Blackfire. It was a trap all along. Blackfire has tracked Starfire down and wants to put her into slavery, an eventuality Starfire has been running from. Find out how motivated Blackfire is to subjegate her sister and what happens when Bane rejoins the fight.

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Heroine Movies Harper and Marky Marx – One Mistake part 1 FullHD

Heroine Movies Harper and Marky Marx

Heroine Movies Harper and Marky Marx

Sara is a vampire slayer and is damn good at what she does. It only takes one mistake though and when Sara messes up, she ends up paying dearly. Octavius has plans to inhabit a new lair and raise an army. It’s Sara’s intention to thwart these plans and she gets Octavius on the ropes. One miss and an awkward physical position leave her staring into Octavius’ eyes. Before she can protect herself, he puts her in a powerful trance. It’s downhill towards certain defeat as he dismantles her physically. He doesn’t stop there as he brutally has his way with her. As if all of that wasn’t enough, Octavius forces Sara to submit and call him Master. Sara’s fall from grace couldn’t be greater as she adopts her new role at Octavius’ feet.

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Heroine Movies Harper, Marky Marx – Uncontrolled part 1 1080p

 Heroine Movies Harper

Heroine Movies Harper

Wonderous Girl has no memory when she wakes in a mysterious room. After trying the door, she quickly realizes she’s powerless. It’s not long before a voice over an intercom system greets her. The voice reminds her she is trapped but worse, a live feed appears on the wall showing a captured Redwing. It’s at this moment the voice reveals the agenda. Wonderous Girl must follow every instruction and do so with a smile or Redwing will be tortured. Naturally, Wonderous Girl has no choice and immediately acquiesces to any and all demands. Unfortunately, the demands force WG into uninvited sexual scenarios. What’s worse, she realizes these scenarios are far more arousing than they normally would be. She’s too far gone before she realizes an injection is assisting here or that she’ll regret her actions in the future.

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Heroine Movies The Battle for Earth Blu, Ethan Knight, Marky Marx – ATAC part 1 FullHD

Heroine Movies The Battle for Earth Blu

Heroine Movies The Battle for Earth Blu

Blue Swan knows her sister is in trouble. A call from a hacker named Atac confirms Redwing is in fact being held against her will. Swan rushes to confront Atac and is ready to make mincemeat out of him, but Atac has Redwing at an alternate location and hired muscle ready to confront Swan. She knows she can’t hurt Atac or her sister will be the recipient of “unimaginable pain”. Swan changes her plan and squares off with the hired muscle. Unfortunately for Swan, Atac has planned everything and supplied his hired muscle with a resonator dialed to the same frequency as that which would interrupt Swan’s strength and power set. All the hired muscle has to do is look for the perfect opening to use the resonator. It’s not long before the cocky Swan leaves herself wide open and now powerless, she’s just as vulnerable as a civilian. Downhill quickly is an understatement as even after Swan is broken physically, she then must face Atac who very much wants to degrade and publicly humiliate our poor heroine.

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