Scene 1: Ready for Action
Kara Danvers (Supergirl) is wearing her business attire and is arrives home after a long day at work.
SUPERGIRL SAYS: I need to take a vacation from work and crime fighting.
Scene 1: Ready for Action
Kara Danvers (Supergirl) is wearing her business attire and is arrives home after a long day at work.
SUPERGIRL SAYS: I need to take a vacation from work and crime fighting.
Part One -Kat Woman makes him her Bat Bitch “Oh, Batman” she purrs. “Did you fall into one of my “cat traps”? It looks like once again you are in my clutches.” She runs her hands over the cage and looks at her captive. “You know, we’ve done this so many times. You catch me and march me to jail and I escape. I catch you and you escape. Over and over again.”
Baine has taken over Arghum Asylum and Wunder Woman has come to stop him. She is completely confident, but, time in the infamous Arghum has made Baine, more insane, and more powerful. Wunder Woman fights valiantly but is defeated
Wonder Patriot likes to take breaks from fighting supervillains to humiliate common thugs. However, this particular thug takes his time planning his revenge and five years after she put him in jail he gets his pay back. Even cocky amazons can get taken down a peg by a firmly clamped rag
Titans Raven, Terra and Starfire confront the God Dionysus and fall prey to his magic
Titans Raven, Terra and Starfire confront the God Dionysus and fall prey to his magic
Young Riley (aka Wonder Girl) is working in the chemistry lab with her partner Jade. While her attention is on the experiment Jade takes out a vial and grabs a test tube, staging an “accident” She then leaves to ask a teacher if the chemical she supposedly spilled is dangerous. Riley keeps working until she hears Jade “cry out” for help
Vixen is in the middle of a international fashion shoot when she gets the call on a lead in her search for Maxwell Lord.
The Mighty superheroine Knight Rose is investigating a number of disappearances and has found her way into a secret underground base. With her light blade she takes on a horde of guards and fights her way into the lair of the Controller. The fight is fast and furious but Knight Rose begins to get the better of it.
The Controller starts circling and staying back, trying to start conversation. The determined her warrior for justice doesn’t want to hear a thing he has to say, but she is disgraced long enough for one of the villain’s henchmen to sneak up behind her and get a CONTROL COLLAR AROUND HER NECK!
Athenia has been on the trail of The Lanista for capturing super-humans and forcing them to fight. When she comes to face with the low life she is ready to use her super strength and athleticism to teach him a lesson. Instead she finds herself unable to resist his commands and even when he tests her legendary invulnerability to no avail she still cannot free herself of his control. Athenia is strong willed and resists his every command but He mocks her and takes his time making her humiliate and disgrace herself more and more until she is so full of shame she has no will left to even try to resist