Synopsis: Lucio, a demon from another realm has arrived on earth to claim a superior warrior to lead his armies. If a warrior does not sacrifice themselves voluntarily, he threatens to level cities and take earth’s population and turn them into slaves in his army of death. Excelsia volunteers figuring she can overpower Lucio and send him back from where he came. She’s powerful: even powerful enough to claim the advantage as they fight.
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NinjaGirl’s masters, The Hand, want control of the International Security Company’s (ISC) assets. The ISC’s main shareholder, Forbes, an arrogant brute of a man, refuses to sign them over.
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Wonderous Woman investigates the disappearance of Superia and follows her beacon to an unknown location. She is confronted by 2 mind controlled humans with enhanced strength and reflexes. She is able to handle them until they start fighting dirty and slowly wearing her down.
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Dethstroke, Black Mask and Bane are having a secret meeting at Black Masks penthouse, they are discussing the formation of a new super squad of evil.
Superheroine Porn Ashley Lane, Star Nine – Super Pony 2 FullHD 1080p
This is the second part of the “Super Pony” series, in which Ashley Lane is playing Supergirl that was captured by Villainnes Star Nine, Ashley Lane is laying on the couch looking dizzy because of the “Cryptonite Harness” Star Nine has put on her in Part 1.
Heroine movies Amber Mcalester – Thief of Wonder FullHD 1080p
Veteran Heroine Amber Mcalester returns as Wondrous Woman in “The Thief of Wonder” to track down her stolen gauntlets.
Primal’s Disgraced Superheroines Carolina Sweets Liberty Girl – Sexually Broken for Experiment HD 720p
Liberty Girl is sexually broken over and over as an experiment by the evil geneticist Dr Kenna.
Primal’s Disgraced Superheroines – Malador, Cherie Deville – Imperia – Vulnerable and Violated HD 720p
Cherie has been working hard as Dr Malador’s assistant. She comes in to his lab to bring him some data but somehow he has left without her seeing him go. She notices that he left his laptop, which he never does. Cherie is horrified as she looks at the screen and realizes just what it is Dr Malador is trying to do with his experiments