Contains: 2 on 1 male/female combat, face punches, back hands, kicks, belly punching, low blows, hair pulling, cradle carry, spanking, gas rendering heroine weak, “green” rock on a chain around neck, “green” ball gag, “green” shackles, full nudity, groping, forced dildo bj, 2 on 1 simulated forced fucking/forced dildo bj
Heroine Movies TBFE – Featuring Coco and Amber McAlester – Retribution witchcraft FullHD 1080p
Contains: female/female/female combat, face punches, kicks, low blows, slaps, belly punches, cradle carry, laser eyes, lightning hands, soul sucking visual, kyrptonium laser weapon, fire hands from villainess, forced orgasm generator with lightning visuals, soul absorber with visual, rope restraints on st. Andrew’s cross
Heroine Movies TBFE – Featuring Stella – The Broker FullHD 1080p
Contains: Low Blow, Ground Work, Kick, Bondage arms and legs, Humiliation by use of live broadcast to world, Use of Purple Crystals which put Heroine in extreme amounts of pain, Placement of Crystals underneath costume next to her power center and in her mouth, Costume Destruction, Breast squeezing, Pussy stimulation over the costume, Forced O and Fucking in one position, Injection of extra terrestrial stimulant to force O, Same alien stimulant dumped in fluid form over heroine’s exposed body and forced down her throat, forcing hyper ventilation and imminent heart attack, De-masking, Destruction of symbol, Heroine Death by overexertion.
Heroine Movies TBFE – Amber Mcalester – Powerless Sunder FullHD 1080p
Contains: 1 on 1 and 3 on 1 male/female combat, face, body, belly punching, kicks, bear hugs, back breaker, low blows, crawling, use of compressed airborne organism that nullifies powers, gunshots when she’s powerless, mask removal, forced orgasm from fucking in one position